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This Week In History - 25 Jan 1946

25 January 1946, Peace River Record Gazette


JUDAH, Jan. 21—J. E. Van Tamelin who has been a patient in Peace River Municipal hospital with pneumonia, has returned home.

Pte. Glen Bach returned from Dundurn Sask., to spend two weeks holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs. A.P. Bach.

Wm. Forster is at present in an Edmonton hospital receiving treatment for malaria.

George Edelman, Smoky district, has gone to Grande Prairie to take a Deisel course.

Bert MacRae is leaving Saturday for Meikle River to work on the Highway.

Miss Katherine Ferguson left Tuesday for Calgary.

Robert Jensen has purchased the “Scotty” Reid farm..

A sleigh riding party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Felsing for the young people of the district. A good time was enjoyed by all.

Shirley MacRae spent the weekend at her home at Judah.

Mrs. Walter Garside is a patient in the Peace River Municipal Hospital.

Mrs. George Perkins, Walter Garside and James Garside were passengers on Tuesday’s train to Peace River.


THREE CREEKS, Jan 18- Pte. C. Bennett leaves Saturday to report at Calgary.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Harrop left Tuesday for Edmonton, where Mr. Harrop is to undergo an operation.

Gnr. Nick Osinchuck is expected home soon.

Spr Mike Alexy and his sister Mary have returned to Hamilton, Ont. And Prince George, B.C. respectively.

Pte and Mrs. John Riczu are looking after the Harrop farm while Mr. and Mrs. Harrop are away.

Our gratitude to volunteer Lois Stranaghan for transcribing the articles for 1946.

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