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This Week In History - 02 Mar 1945


Record Gazette, 02 March 1945


Reno, Feb 27 – Peter Sinkivich is visiting at the home of R. Shudra.

Mrs. D. Novak was admitted to the Peace River hospital Saturday.

Pte. Mike Krowchuk entrained for the east Tuesday.

Pte. Kost Skrynik left last week after visiting here.

Mrs. M. Henning returned Saturday from a business trip to the city.

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sneddon are holidaying in the city.

Weekend visitors to Reno were Gaby Devost, Delores Crawford, Anita Gillies.

A baby son was born to Mr. and Mrs. R. Gardner, February 23.

Betty Gardner has returned home for a few days to get acquainted with her new brother.

Mrs. Bert Ackerman is out of the hospital, at present visiting friends in Peace River.

The Ukrainian Young People put on an interesting program in the hall Sunday afternoon, consisted of several short sketches and musical numbers.

A big wedding dance was given in the hall Wednesday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nychipko. One of the guests of honor was the bride’s sister, Lucy Harbrook (?), Peace River.

The school marms have really turned patriotic and go driving in a one horse shay [sic]. Happy sleighing girls!

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