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This Week In History - 06 Apr 1945


Record Gazette, 06 April 1945


NAMPA, March 31 – Welcome home to our old neighbour, Sgt. Ralph Craven, on rotation leave, here, from Italy.

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kolebaba, on the former Bob Hay farm, had a sale of all their effects, April 3.

Johnnie Johnson was seen March 30 leading a team of nice buckskin colts behind his car.

Glad to hear Mrs. McDonald came home from the hospital on March 24. Hope both you and Mrs. Ackerman are feeling better Mrs. McDonald.

March 24 the Hawleys had air mails from both their sons Pte Richard Hawley and Gnr Russell Hawley (in the hospital) overseas. Dick reports the countryside overseas is nice and green and the prettiest he has ever seen. The young people born here would appreciate the early spring overseas. Russell is still a bed patient and says his shoulder, arm and chest are still painful. His wound may not be as bas as at first feared. The bullet went through his chest just under the collar bone. Trust you have a speedy recovery Russell and that you and Dick will soon have a happy meeting.

Dorothy Williams lately had letters from Ken in England and Sgt Bill Estelle in Germany. In March Bill had a seven day leave in England and they had a visit on Ken’s 48 hour leave.

We hope to soon see Frank Bell (how are you Frank?) and Sgt Estelle Williams home on rotation leave as their time in the forces must just about now average five years. Here’s hoping boys!

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