RENO, March 14 - Reno was a busy spot Monday when the men congregated with their cards to break a road as the highway. They worked until almost mid-night. Remarks here indicate [illeg.] stuck only once now enroute to the highway.
Albert [illeg.] left for his home at [illeg.] Alta. He has been a visitor at the Sneddon home during the winter.
Mary Yaskiewich is employed at the Sneddon home.
Nancy Mataschuk is employed at the Peace River dairy.
Paul D[illeg.] is working on the Szpuniarski farm.
Riley Day had the misfortune to have a tie dropped on his foot.
The snow plow arrived in Reno, after rumors it had been coming for two weeks.
Since the road has been plowed grain hauling will be the order of the day as we see the trucks coming in.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Helgerson and family arrived in Reno from Nelson, BC to make their home in Reno.
We hear rumors of the lumber been taken out for a community hall at Reno.
Doug Sinclair and Mr. Haggerdy have been busy moving grain.