19 October 1945
NAMPA, Oct. 16-October 11 Sgt. E.E. Williams and Gnr. Russell Hawley returned home from overseas. They visited for a few days in Edmonton enroute home with former school chums, Mr. and Mrs. E. Tuson, and with Russell’s sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Ramsay.
Mrs. Fred Haack and daughter Mona returned from British Columbia the 16th. Mrs. Haack has been away for the past seven weeks on account of her health and expects to go on later to the May Bro. Clinic in Rochester, Minn.
Pte. Richard Hawley returned to Currie barracks, Calgary, Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Hibbard and family and the Archie Crawfords visited in the district Sunday.
Thankful indeed we are the good weather held for the completion of our harvest. Seems the Almighty has a way of balancing everything remembering early killing frost, rain and snows of former years when it seemed we had no chance to harvest at all.