Record Gazette, 23 February 1945
RENO, Feb 21 – The annual Ukrainian play was held in Reno hall February 15. There was a fair sized crowd. A dance was held after.
Pte. Mike Krowchuck, of the infantry arrived home February 19.
Pte. Walter Poluck left February 19 to rejoin his outfit.
Mr. and Mrs. W.L Wanous and Scotty are holidaying in Reno.
Doug Crawford and the Day boys have been seen driving two white horses around town. They have proved very useful with their horses.
The weather has warmed up considerably and the roads are getting soft.
Mrs. Henning is holidaying in Edmonton and Mrs. Bresee has been [substituting] for teacher and Betty Gardner has been [substituting] for a store keeper. “How do you like the change of teacher kids?”
NAMPA, Feb 22 – The crowd attending the whist drive at Nampa hall was smaller than usual. The winning table finished with 22 flags. Winners were Marion Mayowski, Evelyn Brown, Joe Gall, Bob Hazell.
Miss Shirley Bell, of the W.R.F.N.S. is visiting her parents here while on furlough.
The side roads are badly drifted; in some places the drifts are four feet deep.